
Aviation transactions

Aviation transactions are a whole new ballgame. It’s not just about contracts and deadlines; it’s about safety, regulations, and a deep understanding of the industry’s unique challenges. That’s where Park LLP comes in. We’re one of the few firms in the country with an attorney who’s also a licensed airline pilot. This unique blend of legal expertise and real-world flying experience gives us the edge to guide you through any aviation transaction with confidence, clarity, and results.

Whether you’re buying or selling an aircraft, negotiating a hangar lease, or navigating complex purchase agreements, our team understands the regulations and the unspoken nuances of the aviation world. We can:

  • Identify and mitigate risks: Our pilot’s perspective allows us to foresee potential issues before they take off, ensuring smooth transactions and minimal surprises.
  • Negotiate with authority: We speak your language confidently, securing the best possible deals for you, whether you’re dealing with airlines, manufacturers, or fellow pilots.
  • Navigate regulatory complexities: We stay ahead of the curve on FAA regulations and industry standards, ensuring compliance and safeguarding your assets.
  • Offer personalized attention: As fellow aviators, we understand your passion and commitment to the skies. We’ll handle your legal needs with the same care and dedication you pour into your aircraft.
  • Aircraft sales and acquisition
  • Letter of Intent’s
  • Aircraft Purchase Agreements
  • Hangar Lease review
  • Lease back reviews

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